Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pinker than Pink


Pretty in Pink.  Think Pink.  Pink Lady.  Tickled Pink.  The Pink Elephant.

The annoying cliches that accompany one of my most very favorite colors is enough reason to make most people claim they do not like this color.

As for the color itself, pink has been jammed down the throats of young girls and women for as long as I can recall.  Even if a woman wants something "manly" they will happily oblige us with a pink version (think football jerseys, Harley Davidson, and even guns).  However, if you can get past the icky gender stereotyping, pink is a beautiful color and should be celebrated!  God made cherry blossoms, flamingos, and sunsets pink.  It was humans that made Pepto Bismal, many 1950's toilets, and Barbie's Dream House pink.  (Yes, I am still bitter that I never got one of those darn Dream Houses, Mom!)

One more argument for the color pink is that Dr. Alexander Schauss, Ph.D., director of the American Institute for Biosocial Research in Tacoma, Washington, has reported that it is physically impossible to be angry or aggressive in the presence of pink.  Apparently, this is why drunk tanks are painted pink.  You can read more about that here if you care to.

Now, typically, Nicki Minaj is not one of my style icons.  However, I saw her on Jay Leno the other night and I was so struck by her pinkness, that I didn't even pay attention to what she said!  I was even able to get my husband to admit that the pink dress, jacket, lipstick, and nail color combo was very pretty (he is an avid pink-hater, even when he sees it on girls)!  In retrospect, maybe he agreed to shut me up!  Which is likely, since as you can tell, I can go on for days about pink!  In case Nicki Minaj is not your cup of pink tea, I have included photos of other celebrities below.
I do not, in any capacity, endorse her shoes.

Tone on tone layering is hot for Spring this year, according to Lucky Magazine.  You can go here to read Lucky's seven rules for tone on tone layering, in case you do not have a Stylist as clever as Ms. Minaj's.

Here are some of my favorite pink items: 

Celebrities look hot in Pink:
Michelle Obama at 2nd debate

Kate Middleton
Sofia Vergara looks cute in pink running errands

Heidi Klum is one hot mama in hot pink skinny pants!

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